Save money on flights,
hotels, rentals, and more
Discover the best deals on travel to every destination in the world.
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How It Works
Install the free extension. Then go to the Google Travel
website and click on the 'View Deals' button to get started.

How Dovie makes travel better?
Dovie simplifies travel planning to help you get the best price:
- Price Comparison: We aggregate prices from the top travel websites, airlines, and hotels, so you can find the cheapest price.
- Bundle Deals: Combine similar travel options, like flights or hotel deals, into one view for easy comparison and decision-making.
- And Much More...
Dovie Mission
We aim to make booking travel easier, more convenient, and tailored to your needs.
Why does Dovie exist?
Planning a trip can be stressful, especially when dealing with confusing websites. Dovie is designed to make it easier for users to find and book travel.
Who is Dovie for?
Dovie is made for all travelers who value the best travel deals, efficiency and a booking experience without distractions. Whether you travel often, once in a while, Dovie is made for you.